I've spent much of this summer quietly thinking through what is most important to me. Friends and family, nature and creative play figure prominently. Some of the most fun and meaningful times have been spent planning for and sharing the process of intuitive collage in workshops at Crystal Mesa Farm, for which I thank Marie who shares that beautiful space and time with us. Two workshops have brought some amazing, creative, insightful women together to play and learn new ways of self discovery. Our third workshop is planned for September 11.
In our workshops we take time to settle into the present moment, to allow what is deep in our hearts and minds to come to the surface and then to investigate those questions and intentions by combining images to create spontaneous collages. As we leaf through magazines with a quiet, open mind images jump out and we see them with new eyes. An old woman, a feather, a coiled snake, grasses bent in the wind somehow beckon to you. Why? Only you can say. We take all the offerings that excite or intrigue us and combine them, gluing them down, arranging and rearranging until, as if led by an unseen hand, a larger picture unfolds that in turn leads us deeper into ourself.
All of us have a creative spark that is just waiting to light the fire of imagination. With imagination and intuition we can explore our inner world and how it relates to the world around us in our family life, working day, hopes and dreams. Whether you are able to join us for a workshop or not, I hope you take time on a regular basis to dig deeper into your inner world, to use your innate creativity to investigate, expand, and learn from it.
To register for the upcoming workshop, call Marie at Crystal Mesa Farm - 505-424-0703. The next workshop is September 11, 2010; 2:00 to 4:30PM; cost $35 - cash, check, or MC/Visa
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